Karlentwistle's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,80912,239cherrypickerCherrypicker is Ruby Gem it lets you download from; Rapidshare and Hotfile
221,94534,617rusicTheme creation and deployment for the Rusic platform
326,52137,265ruby_homeRubyHome is a lightweight service you can run on your home network that emulates the iO...
439,83268,530lumiereLumiere fetches metadata from video providers
545,81921,965activeadmin-redactorRedactor WYSIWYG Editor Integration for ActiveAdmin resources.
666,32353,263ruby_home-srpSecure Remote Password protocol (SRP-6a) with HAP modifications
768,98858,846gitcampGitcamp is a handy command line tool for syncing GitHub issues & milestones with Baseca...
870,80458,846simple-validatorsAdds model validations to the host application
974,79043,535nest_connectSimple API Wrapper for Nest Thermostats
1084,29346,777simple-constraintsAdds routing constraints to the host application
1190,82943,535music_castYamaha MusicCast HTTP simplified API for Control Systems
1293,73697,080ruby_home-tlvencode / decode TRV HAP
13107,66658,846auth_proxyThis is a simple reverse proxy for Rack. It is not meant for production systems (althou...
14151,432117,678saas_runnerRuby client library for the Saas Runner REST API