Mtap's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,27186,038akamaizedManage data and files on Akamai's CDN
241,59386,038pivotal_syncRead from the Pivotal Tracker v4 api. Next version will include pushing.
373,19431,663maintenanceUse this gem, capistrano, and a few config settings in apache/nginx for easy maintenanc...
473,33631,663readable_messagePrints out an exception message, class name, and backtrace to the console.
577,85886,038playtimeConverts seconds to a playtime HH:MM:SS or MM:SS
678,76486,038ooyala-cliInteract with the ooyala API via the command line. A work in progress.
786,76642,025if_blankIf a string is empty return the passed in parameter (or block if given)
8147,46353,556iglatinpayConvert any string to its piglatin equivalent
9148,59386,038teamworkpmA Ruby wrapper to the Teamwork PM API