Timoschilling's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1878856inherited_resourcesInherited Resources speeds up development by making your controllers inherit all restfu...
2932964arbreArbre makes it easy to generate HTML directly in Ruby
31,005992activeadminThe administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
41,0121,125formtastic_i18nI18n translation for the formtastic gem
514,6388,489cells-hamlitHamlit integration for Cells
624,52485,863simple_parameter_storeSimple abstraction of AWS SSM Parameter Store.
730,79817,782capistrano_rails_consoleOpen a rails console the first app server.
850,67534,713capistrano_sshOpen a ssh connection to one of the app servers.
954,26185,863sun-timesModule which calculates sunrise and sunset times.
1054,42829,768firmenwissenRuby client for the FirmenWissen API
1160,81531,961cells-mailerProvides mail functionality for the Cells gem
1262,84438,253compeon-access_tokenHelper for handling COMPEON AccessToken's
1363,90638,253v2a-deployCapistrano Setup that is used by http://www.v2a.net
1465,90785,863elasticsearch-paramedic-rackA gemed version of elasticsearch-paramedic with Rack support.
1570,69442,915active_admin_paginationProvides a pagination 'per page' interface for ActiveAdmin. It renders a sidebar sectio...
1699,26985,863mongo_on_railsMongo Railtie Logging Adapter
17107,03960,164zipcode-deQuery city information by zip code.
18107,44849,460zipcode-atQuery city information by zip code.
19107,58560,164zipcode-chQuery city information by zip code.
20110,47285,863permanent_not_foundTiny little Rack middleware to answer a configured set of path's with a HTTP 404.
21118,25960,164capistrano_mongoProvides some capistrano recipes for MonogoDB
22136,84049,460dig-blockBlock support for Ruby's dig method.
23144,08885,863pry-pluspluspry-doc + pry-docmore + pry-byebug + pry-stack_explorer + pry-rescue + bond + jist