Ramontayag's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,5445,097storextExtends ActiveRecord::Store.store_accessor
28,3666,970dry-validation-matchersRSpec matchers for dry-validation
38,59310,247jsonapi-resources-matchersSpec matchers for jsonapi-resources
414,46415,310datts_rightCreates a separate table that saves all your dynamic attributes.
517,53714,767bitsy-bitcoinA mountable Rails engine to create a payment server that can handle the money in your B...
617,65218,637xe_clientRuby wrapper for XE's REST API
717,85053,842active_textAims to be able to read and replace "variables" in text in an active record manner. I d...
818,95227,719g5_updatableClient/Locations data update engine for G5 applications
919,85172,875stellar_base-railsAPI Endpoints for the Stellar Protocol
1021,33137,098storeyStorey aims to simplify the implementation of managing a multi-tenant application.
1123,33217,907bit_walletRuby-esque handling of Bitcoin wallet
1224,34515,675bloom_remit_clientRuby wrapper around Bloom Remit's API
1325,78072,875naviAllows you to save menu items in the database. You can create your own renderer.
1428,28617,583bloom_remitRails engine for Bloom Remit users
1529,48537,098api_client_baseAbstractions to help author API wrappers in Ruby.
1630,33572,875virtus-matchersRSpec matchers for Virtus
1731,43043,052ordered_treeUses parent_id and position to create an ordered tree.
1833,30221,551bitcoin_testnetA gem of helpers for making integration tests with the Bitcoin testnet a little easier.
1934,00972,875message_bus_client_workerSubscribe to MessageBus using Sidekiq workers
2037,54720,808asyncapi-clientAsynchronous API communication
2137,65053,842devbox_launcherConveniently launch your devbox
2237,86972,875ezapi_clientRuby wrapper for EZAPI
2340,01119,608bitstamp_clientRuby wrapper for Bitstamp's API
2443,94572,875has_serializedAdds dynamic attributes through serialize. This way, it's in one table, and it's still ...
2546,68443,052storext-overrideMimic and be able to override another Storext model
2647,73072,875e_way_clientRuby wrapper for eWAY's API
2747,95623,369asyncapi-serverAsynchronous API communication - Server
2848,21972,875paxful_engine-railsMountable engine that fetches completed paxful trades.
2949,19518,232binance_clientRuby wrapper for Binance API
3051,36772,875stellar_spectrumUse Stellar payment channels in Ruby with ease
3156,23453,842active_model_serializers_contribModules/classes that extend AMS with more functionality
3258,66930,087yahoo_gemini_clientA Ruby Interface to the Yahoo Gemini API
3359,20472,875easy_class_to_instance_methodAdds convenience method to class to insantiate itself and execute a method.
3461,87024,526borutusThe borutus plugin provides a complete double entry accounting system for use in an...
3562,83172,875paxful_clientAPI wrapper for Paxful
3664,77172,875kcuCommand line wrappers for managing opinionated kubernetes deployments
3767,45072,875sidUseful for multi-tenant apps where the data lives on the same database, but you want th...
3867,61930,087bitsy_clientBitsy Client gem used to create and query payment depots
3968,64530,087backbone_eventbinder_railsMakes the backbone.eventbinder.js file available to the Rails' asset pipeline
4069,15872,875stellar_clientRuby wrapper for Stellar's Stellar Server API
4170,34143,052storext-matchersRSpec matchers for Storext
4270,83272,875soap_clientWrapper around SOAP clients (starts with Savon).
4373,65627,719bluepan_clientRuby wrapper for Bluepan's API - access to Pay86 and payments to Korea
4479,70833,005chosen_templateManage the preview and publish tasks of templates
4582,47630,087bridge_clientRuby wrapper for Stellar's Bridge Server API
4682,59727,719crypto_cold_store_clientRuby client for crypto-cold-store
4784,23430,087bluepan-railsRails Engine for use with Bluepan
4885,97872,875liquid_streamAllows chaining of context aware Liquid drops
4988,31872,875jsonapi-resources-filtererIntegration between filterer and jsonapi-resources
5090,94943,052model_template_resolverFind the template of a model like template inheritance but without relying on controllers
5195,34572,875rbsxWrapper for sx Bitcoin command line utilities
5297,23272,875soap_adaptersCommon interface to soap clients
53102,14237,098cadaLoop through dates (every day, every week, every month, etc)
54102,17833,005bloom_net_center_clientRuby wrapper for BloomNet Center's API
55107,77272,875resque_log_error_parserResque worker that parses log files given filters, and executes a callback of your choice.
56111,21072,875xml_scrubberScrub text of XML nodes
57111,81772,875quoine_clientRuby wrapper for BloomNet Center's API
58113,24072,875engagespark_clientRuby wrapper for the engageSPARK API.
59121,01737,098bloom_net_central_clientRuby wrapper for BloomNet Central's API
60139,13672,875pusher_listenerWrapper around PusherClient that reconnects when there is an error
61141,16572,875ramontayag-bitcoin-clientProvides a Ruby library to the complete Bitcoin JSON-RPC API. Implements all methods li...
62145,89672,875liquid_stream-matchersProvides shoulda style matchers for liquid_stream
63148,50743,052cells_slim_railsBring back slim defaults to cells-slim
64166,73453,842bitcoin_cleanerA gem of helpers for making integration tests with the Bitcoind a little easier.
65166,81572,875electrum_rpc_json_clientWrapper for Electrum's JSON RPC API
66168,33572,875ramontayag-middlewareGeneralized implementation of the middleware abstraction for Ruby.
67170,58672,875message_bus_clientImplements a client for Message Bus, with communication over HTTP
68174,68572,875rainmaker_lro_clientClient Gem for Rainmaker LRO