1 | 26,455 | 12,223 | periodic_records | Support functions for ActiveRecord models with periodic entries |
2 | 32,595 | 13,800 | translateable_attributes | Helper methods to display translated values of object attributes (stored in database, p... |
3 | 42,356 | 53,556 | activerecord_chronological_records | Provides a set of helper methods for dealing with chronological records that have commo... |
4 | 45,870 | 53,556 | openlayers-rails | OpenLayers library packaged for easy inclusion in Ruby on Rails asset pipeline. |
5 | 51,158 | 31,663 | appcfg | A gem for centralizing different sources of application configuration data. Supports YA... |
6 | 65,957 | 53,556 | automagical_validations | ActiveRecord extension that allows to infer validation rules from database |
7 | 89,326 | 26,609 | kaminari-mandatory_ordering | Makes sure ActiveRecord collections paged over by kaminari are ordered |