Tmikoss's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,37230,305periodic_recordsSupport functions for ActiveRecord models with periodic entries
232,54563,432translateable_attributesHelper methods to display translated values of object attributes (stored in database, p...
342,49863,432activerecord_chronological_recordsProvides a set of helper methods for dealing with chronological records that have commo...
446,04363,432openlayers-railsOpenLayers library packaged for easy inclusion in Ruby on Rails asset pipeline.
551,28563,432appcfgA gem for centralizing different sources of application configuration data. Supports YA...
666,11163,432automagical_validationsActiveRecord extension that allows to infer validation rules from database
789,39163,432kaminari-mandatory_orderingMakes sure ActiveRecord collections paged over by kaminari are ordered