1 | 20,801 | 47,329 | jazz_hands2 | Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands... |
2 | 70,753 | 74,510 | cookie_law | A rails gem to help you to deal with European Cookie Law |
3 | 84,495 | 74,510 | beintoo | This gem tries to wrap the Beintoo API (http://documentation.beintoo.com) to a ruby fri... |
4 | 98,732 | 74,510 | geo_ip_client | A simple gem to be used in combination with https://github.com/carlesso/RubyGeoIp |
5 | 114,445 | 74,510 | vim_rename | Mass rename files with vim. Ever needed to rename a lot of similar files, and asking yo... |