Richo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,87035,920twatCommand line tool for tweeting and whatnot
234,81586,038meminatorAPI to retrieve urls for memes
335,28853,556readline-ngEssentially, readline++
459,50886,038posixWrappers for some posix functions that I couldn't find in the stdlib
573,56831,663juici-interfaceInterface definition for JuiCI callbacks and API
675,48653,556aws-dataFetch instance data from AWS
888,83035,920juiciMinimal CI server with some support for dynamic
994,17153,556wbxmlThe Wbxml library wraps libwbxml to enable handling WBXML, a binary representation of X...
10102,21586,038ruby_logoShow the ruby logo if you have the right magic query string
11119,90153,556m2aTool and API for creating ascii versions of memes
13122,10186,038argsArgument parsing for ruby
14138,46486,038proxytestA test framework for testing proxy logic
16159,12486,038aflAmerican Fuzzy Lop (AFL) support for ruby