Elcuervo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,00861,367airplaySend image/video to an airplay enabled device
222,09116,044minutemanFast and furious tracking system using Redis bitwise operations
323,36813,858net-ptthPTTH Ruby client. Net::HTTP compatible... kind of
432,55161,367cuba-sugarUseful stuff to use with cuba
537,88861,367airplay-cliSend pics and videos using the terminal
650,92061,367limelight_videoInteract with the Limelight CDN platform
763,60161,367shodenSlim postgres models
881,67661,367flagFeature flags for the humans and the coders
992,01215,060machinaReally really simple state machine
1092,52915,549hammingHamming calculations
1198,22033,893net-http-poolPersistent pool of HTTP connections
12101,73061,367rest_ejabberdEasy tool to use ejabberd's mod_restful from Ruby
13109,50961,367proof_of_workHashcash version 1 algorithm generator and checker
14113,58661,367firmaSign PDF documents
15114,30861,367shoden-contribMakes your life easier
16122,06741,086minuteman-railsUse Minuteman in your Rails app
17122,97361,367cisco_decryptDecrypt cisco passwords to use the shared secret
18129,32033,893phPerceptual Hashing
19130,61341,086ohm-find_byA simple way of having a find_by implementation in Ohm
20133,27841,086net-http-auth-hmacExchanges a digest to be validated against a token
21137,30261,367cachooA quick and dirty way to expire memoization
22141,01241,086pandemoniumPandemonium is an app to run deployment instructions
23148,29061,367shibeWow Shibe, Such Doge, very Cuba
24150,83941,086ohm-defaultAllows the set of default values for Ohm
25161,91161,367dry-types-json-schemaGenerate JSON Schema from dry-types
26164,29161,367decmethod decorator
27182,30361,367sigtSignature Types