Bhenderson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,6892,660minitest-ciMinitest Junit XML results that CircleCI can read.
241,84130,164gatewayOpinionated Generic IO Connection Manager
363,351105,622hoe-versionHoe plugin to provide rake tasks to bump version. Supported by
478,42276,717rack-cas_clientA Rack Middleware component to authenticate against a CAS server. I (shamefully) forgo...
580,67449,857rack-routesProvides a routing layer for Rack similar to nginx location directive. http://wiki.ngin...
683,568105,622autotest-clearClears the terminal for every autotest run. Inspired from autotest-growl[http://www.bit...
7125,527105,622autotest-exitPlugin to make autotest exit after all_good hook. Sometimes I want to just check all m...
8135,609105,622isolate-gitGit plugin for Isolate.