1 | 24,170 | 53,556 | thinknear | A ThinkNear Ruby Client |
2 | 44,325 | 86,038 | datastore_redis | Ditto |
3 | 64,067 | 86,038 | resque-mods | A set of extensions for resque jobs |
4 | 65,215 | 86,038 | ya_yahoo_geocode | This is a gem to help make various calls to yahoo's geo-aware api's |
5 | 73,196 | 86,038 | aws_tickwork | A scheduling utility dirven by Cloudwatch Events, via SNS, to Rails using Tickwork as t... |
6 | 77,656 | 86,038 | ya_yahoo_weather | A gem to call yahoo weather |
7 | 80,824 | 86,038 | tickwork | A fork of clockwork. Under development. |
8 | 89,432 | 86,038 | datastore_mongo | A very simple proof of concept to connecto to mongo |
9 | 103,957 | 86,038 | resque-helpers | Contains helpers / extensions for Resque workers |
10 | 127,025 | 86,038 | geoiq | API Wrapper around Geocommons website and the GeoIQ applications |
11 | 130,202 | 86,038 | softwaregravy-net-http-persistent | Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP plus a speed fix for Ruby 1.8.
It's thre... |
12 | 140,173 | 86,038 | warden-github-rails-thinknear-fork | An easy drop in solution for rails to use GitHub authentication. |