Mezis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,67761,367git-whistlesA few helpers for classic Git workflows
214,64533,893fuzzilyFast fuzzy string matching for rails
319,98761,367guignolCreate, start, stop, destroy instances from the command line based on a YAML descri...
423,54361,367blurrilyNative fuzzy string search
525,59916,044rack-timerMeasure time spent in your Rack middlewares
625,62429,456level2Multiple caching levels for Rails. Kinda like your CPU's L1/L2 caches.
731,97861,367dragonfly-activerecordActiveRecord-backed data store for Dragonfly
833,93361,367polintA linter for Uniforum PO files.
942,65061,367donjonSecure, multi-user data store.
1048,58920,275mrdUnder Darwin, spawns a temporary MySQL instance off a RAM disk. Useful to speed up larg...
1148,80661,367renvManages out-of-repository .env file
1262,88161,367fineuploader-railsFine Uploader by Andrew Valums integrated for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline
1364,02261,367git-check-ciCheck CI status of the local project
1468,94061,367syslogifySends stdout and stderr to syslog..
1575,68561,367ht-memcache-lockMemcache-based mutexes
1679,93261,367km-dbProcess KISSmetrics data dumps
17102,86661,367hash_unnestFast hash unnesting
18103,74561,367git-heroesLeaderboard of your team's Github activity
19128,54041,086debloaterSafely rebuilds bloated PostgreSQL indices
20140,87761,367tsugaHierarchical Geo Clusterer tuned for Google Maps usage
21156,55641,086pivotal2githubImport Pivotal Tracker stories into Github Issues
22172,33541,086viscachaShared memory cache for ActiveSupport, leveraging the localmemcache gem.