#496's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,36212,736reverse_captchaSimple reverse captcha solution that consist in create a hidden field that should be al...
224,36815,549menu_builderhelper and controller macros to define current menu item and also create the menu in view.
337,66061,367delayed_mailerChange the behavior of ActionMailer::Base in Rails to allways use delayed_job's send_la...
440,99320,275moonwalkairMoonwalkair help you to start build your AIR app and make it walk in the right way. The...
565,28461,367avante_railsHighly customizable, plugable and mobile friendly css framework.
675,05861,367quickenQIF (Quicken Interchange Format) parser
792,92123,402omniauth-honchoDon't use this