Oesdras's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,63163,432organizze_permanent_recordsNever Lose Data. Rather than deleting rows this sets Record#deleted_at and gives you al...
241,41663,432simple_geolocationThis gem is used with geolocation in mind, meaning that the main goal is to get a latit...
377,87063,432organizze-ofxA simple OFX (Open Financial Exchange) parser built on top of Nokogiri. Currently suppo...
488,21563,432organizze_importerParses a set of files of several formats and returns all attributes
5129,01863,432levenshtein-extendedThe levenshtein module implements fast Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance computation in...
6132,74363,432organizze-contactsWrapper of the contacts gem using gdata_19