1 | 5,206 | 9,922 | resque-rollbar | Resque failure backend for Rollbar |
2 | 7,517 | 30,305 | normalizr | Writer methods parameters normalization |
3 | 35,973 | 63,432 | capistrano-tagging | Create a tag in the local and remote repo on every deploy |
4 | 49,499 | 63,432 | access_loggable | Provides easy way to register actions with your models |
5 | 74,716 | 63,432 | chewy-resque | Resque atomic & urgent strategies for Chewy gem |
6 | 78,009 | 63,432 | money_online | MoneyOnline (aka DengiOnline) is a payment system, that have a single interface for man... |
7 | 80,889 | 63,432 | jpegtran-ruby | Jpegtran provides Ruby interface to the jpegtran tool |
8 | 92,876 | 63,432 | ar_jdbc_pg_array | ar_jdbc_pg_array includes support of PostgreSQL's int[], float[], text[], timestamptz[]... |
9 | 96,141 | 41,916 | process_memory | Adds memory usage info to standart ruby's process module |
10 | 97,853 | 41,916 | rack-leakin | Rack middleware that detect and handle memory leaks |
11 | 107,924 | 22,084 | pluckeroid | Pluck for ActiveRecord on steroids |
12 | 137,209 | 63,432 | sidekiq-monitor | Tracks jobs enqueued, average duration and etc. |
13 | 146,899 | 63,432 | carrierwave-jpegtran | Optimize your JPEG uploads with jpegtran |