1 | 24,569 | 9,510 | roust | Roust is a Ruby API client to access Request Tracker's REST interface. |
2 | 35,562 | 63,432 | beanstalk-client-rspec | Provides a fairly complete mock for beanstalk-client by imitating beanstalkd using arra... |
3 | 50,679 | 14,438 | pvoutput | Library to speak to the PVOutput API |
4 | 64,097 | 63,432 | github-issue-importer | Migrate bugs from a Launchpas project into Github Issues |
5 | 72,297 | 63,432 | green_eye_monitor | Library to speak to Brultech GEM energy consumption monitor over a serial port |
6 | 84,497 | 19,893 | ript | Ript provides a clean Ruby DSL for describing firewall rules, and implements database m... |
7 | 88,900 | 63,432 | omniauth-myspace | MySpace strategy for omniauth |
8 | 92,655 | 63,432 | capistrano-puppeteer | Some useful capistrano tasks for standalone puppet masterless puppet deployments. |
9 | 92,909 | 63,432 | jfy_collector | Pull stats from JFY Solar Inverter and push them to PVOutput |
10 | 98,503 | 63,432 | smart_energy_group | Library to speak to the Smart Energy Group API |
11 | 103,848 | 63,432 | johnf-fnordmetric | FnordMetric is a Ruby Event-Tracking gem on steroids |
12 | 142,164 | 41,916 | green_eye_monitor_collector | Pull stats from Brultech GEM energy consumption monitor and push them to Smart Energy G... |
13 | 156,075 | 63,432 | jfy | Library to speak to JFY Solar Inverters over a serial port |