1 | 15,132 | 86,038 | ticketmaster-github | This provides an interface with github through the ticketmaster gem. |
2 | 55,154 | 86,038 | feature_creep | Feature Flag implementation |
3 | 96,406 | 86,038 | feature_creep-simple_strategy | simple strategy implementation for feature_creep |
4 | 125,924 | 86,038 | enform | Create forms for your existing models! |
5 | 130,468 | 86,038 | xn-octokit | Simple wrapper for the GitHub API v2 |
6 | 130,824 | 86,038 | feature_creep-redis | redis datastore for feature_creep gem |
7 | 154,497 | 86,038 | xignature | Simple key/secret based authentication for apis without domain collisions. |