Seven's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,32612,072faraday_middleware-parse_ojFaraday middleware for parsing JSON using the Oj parser.
211,98911,843vkontakte_apiA transparent wrapper for VKontakte API. Supports ruby-way naming of API methods (witho...
312,97316,626zodiacAdds methods for getting a zodiac sign from any Date/Time object containing a date of b...
427,47522,267active_record-annotateAdds a rake task which prepends each model file with an excerpt about the corresponding...
527,76560,424awesome_pryReplaces your application's console with pry powered by awesome_print.
630,37721,205db_schemaA database schema management tool that reads a "single-source-of-truth" schema definiti...
755,03160,424db_schema-reader-postgresA database structure reader for PostgreSQL with support for tables, fields, primary key...
874,81870,697db_schema-definitionsDatabase object definitions for DbSchema
9105,74884,840loc_counterA simple line-of-code counter for Ruby projects
10124,305105,358mark_as_deletedA simple gem that adds mark_as_deleted ActiveRecord macro. Models having this are not a...
11139,44484,840yadmAnother attempt to implement data mapper with repositories and adapters in ruby.
12145,667136,377rewriterRuby code rewriter. Currently just a proof of concept.
13153,132168,370carbonateA Clojure-inspired Lisp dialect that aims to mirror full Ruby functionality. Includes a...