Razorx's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,81457,505kitKit is a framework for making simple management tools called kits.
231,57957,505config_curatorSimple and intelligent configuration file management.
341,88722,984djvu-toolsRuby toolbox for manipulating DjVu files.
447,28022,984branch_rakerUse Branch Raker to maintain a build history for each branch. Originally created for La...
549,82230,732kate-getKate-Get takes a space separated list of file paths and checks each one against a list ...
659,73830,732makenew-rbgemProject skeleton for a Ruby gem.
774,58057,505palimpsestNo web framework, no problem: Palimpsest gives any custom or legacy project a modern wo...
8110,05957,505makenew-ruby_gemRuby gem skeleton.