Intrica's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,38361,367active_importAssist with the import of CSV and Excel files into models.
223,40141,086rseedAssist with seeding/import of external data into models.
342,28561,367active_seedActiveSeed Gives the ability to seed data by inserting it via activerecord. Also allows...
455,20061,367ar_diagramAllows you to create graphical database diagrams of your ActiveRecord models from withi...
558,78361,367twitter_bootstrap_helperHelper methods for Rails to aid in creating Twitter Bootstrap Components
661,95325,716sphinx_tvSphinxTV is an installer/configurator for MythTV (and others) for OSX
799,82361,367simple_pageExtends Active Record to give pagination functions. Also supplies view helpers and gene...
8107,18461,367admin_scaffoldThis scaffold generator takes a lot of Ryan Bates' screencast ideas and puts them into ...
9108,84361,367rseed-rooProvides a Roo based adapter for Rseed that allows the import of excel files.
10138,93361,367rails_document_readyA simple way to have per controller and per action methods called on document ready whe...