1 | 11,225 | 61,367 | sjekksum | A gem to provide some checksum algorithms like Damm, ISBN-10/13, Luhn, UPC and Verhoeff. |
2 | 11,538 | 61,367 | ryodo | ryōdo【領土】 りょうど — A domain name parser gem using public suffix list (provided by publics... |
3 | 48,192 | 41,086 | io_shuten | IO::shuten – Use databases as IO handler like you would do with files and streams. |
4 | 53,258 | 23,402 | mongoid_touch | A tiny mongoid extension to provide the `touch` method known from ActiveRecord to Mongo... |
5 | 65,160 | 61,367 | vote-schulze | This gem is a Ruby implementation of the Schulze voting method (using Floyd–Warshall al... |
6 | 74,886 | 29,456 | mongoid_bitfield | Mongoid::Bitfield stores boolean flags as single property in MongoDB. |
7 | 78,028 | 61,367 | aki-testrocket | A super lightweight testing library for Ruby |
8 | 78,823 | 29,456 | mongoid_midgets | mongoid_midgets is a meta/dependency gem for my microgems. |
9 | 82,271 | 61,367 | c3-dci | A tiny helper library for the DCI pattern |
10 | 97,003 | 33,893 | mongoid_upk | Mongoid::UPK generates more unique `_id` by using UUID. |
11 | 97,265 | 61,367 | sprockets-cache-memcache | A Memcache cache store for Sprockets, built on the base of sprockets-cache-redis |
12 | 103,410 | 61,367 | sprockets-cache-riak | A Riak cache store for Sprockets, built on the model of sprockets-cache-redis |
13 | 104,070 | 61,367 | sprockets-cache-mongodb | A MongoDB (GridFS) cache store for Sprockets, built on the model of sprockets-cache-redis |
14 | 126,243 | 61,367 | regdomr | [DEPRECATED] Gem to detect registered domains with reg-dom-libs | Please, use 'ryodo' i... |
15 | 137,345 | 61,367 | sprockets-caches | Meta gem for different sprocket cache store implementations like Memcache, MongoDb, Red... |