Tanraya's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,3023,468bootbox-railsWrappers for JavaScript alert(), confirm() and other flexible dialogs using Twitter's b...
26,81411,723jquery-easing-railsJquery easing plugin for Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline
38,2805,882petrovichA morphological library for Russian anthroponyms, such as first names, last names, and ...
415,94946,897activaRails 3.1+ dynamic page management
521,49361,626playmoSpecial kit that allows you create html5-ready Rails 3 apps quick with pre-included few...
639,40380,049imperavi-railsImparavi wysiwyg editor for Rails 3.1+
751,45261,626tanraya-playmoThis just only for my purposes
857,60080,049heading_with_titleSetting the page heading at the same time with a page title
9122,72539,736atomjs-railsAtom javascript library prepared for using with Rails 3.1+
10139,82280,049libcanvas-railsLibCanvas javascript library prepared for using with Rails 3.1+
11156,56280,049mekongReplacement for Rails assets pipeline with Webpack