Dblock's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
196109hashieHashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make hashes more powerful.
2664506grapeA Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions.
3688667slack-ruby-clientSlack Web and RealTime API client.
4757507mustermann-grapeAdds Grape style patterns to Mustermman
5846574grape-entityExtracted from Grape, A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions.
61,133584grape-swaggerAdd auto generated documentation to your Grape API that can be displayed with Swagger.
71,252659graphlientA friendlier Ruby client for consuming GraphQL-based APIs.
81,391682grape-swagger-entityGrape swagger adapter to support grape-entity object parsing
91,4221,777ruby-enumEnum-like behavior for Ruby.
101,5483,073hashie-forbidden_attributesAutomatic strong parameter detection with Hashie and Forbidden Attributes. Formerly kno...
111,8832,149mongoid-compatibilityCompatibility helpers for Mongoid.
122,0872,508numbers_and_wordsThis gem spells out numbers in several languages using the I18n gem.
132,3322,201grape-swagger-railsSwagger UI as Rails Engine for grape-swagger gem.
142,3963,478syntaxSyntax is Ruby library for performing simple syntax highlighting.
152,6172,660mongoid-historyThis library tracks historical changes for any document, including embedded ones. It ac...
162,7703,024mongoid-rspecRSpec matches for Mongoid models, including association and validation matchers.
172,8203,197mongoid-grid_fsA pure Mongoid/Moped implementation of the MongoDB GridFS specification
182,9592,518dotiwdotiw is a gem for Rails that overrides the default distance_of_time_in_w...
193,2554,221rspec-rerunRe-run failed RSpec tests.
203,5283,262delayed_job_mongoidMongoid backend for delayed_job
214,0554,720grape-active_model_serializersProvides a Formatter for the Grape API DSL to emit objects serialized with active_model...
224,2525,386grape-rablUse rabl in grape
234,3533,482grape-swagger-representableGrape swagger adapter to support representable object parsing
244,4654,069actionmailer-textAutomatically insert a text/plain part into your HTML multipart e-mails.
254,4694,640gem-licensesAttempts to figure out what licenses various gems use.
265,0595,526mongo_session_storeRails session stores for Mongoid, or any other ODM. Rails 4 compatible.
275,0653,226grape-roarUse Roar with Grape
285,3105,507mongoid-lockerAllows multiple processes to operate on individual documents in MongoDB while ensuring ...
295,4073,648mongoid-geospatialMongoid Extension that simplifies MongoDB casting and operations on spatial Ruby objects.
305,94610,201hyperclientHyperclient is a Ruby Hypermedia API client.
316,2426,031mongoid-slugMongoid URL slug or permalink generator
326,5268,062mongoid_searchSimple full text search implementation.
336,5826,327slack-ruby-botThe easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby.
346,58910,043faraday_hal_middlewareFaraday Middleware for JSON HAL requests and responses.
356,7335,679danger-changelogA danger.systems plugin that is OCD about your CHANGELOG.
366,7456,552mongoid_orderableEnables Mongoid models to track their position in list
376,8437,053guard-rackAutomatically reloads your Rack based app on file change using Guard.
386,9896,952mongoid-scrollMongoid extensions to enable infinite scroll.
397,4494,200slack-ruby-bot-serverA Grape API serving a Slack bot to multiple teams.
407,5024,109rack-server-pagesRack middleware and appilcation for serving dynamic pages in very simple way. ...
418,08814,402fuiFind unused Objective-C imports.
428,1787,264slack-ruby-bot-server-eventsSlack commands, interactive buttons, and events extension for slack-ruby-bot-server.
438,26416,797tax_cloudCalculate sales tax using the TaxCloud.net API
448,35112,534mongoid_slugMongoid URL slug or permalink generator
459,58910,043garnerGarner is a cache layer for Ruby and Rack applications, supporting model and instance b...
4610,82910,043mongoid-shellDerive shell commands from Mongoid configuration options.
4712,36017,204mongoid-cached-jsonCached-json is a DSL for describing JSON representations of Mongoid models.
4812,4168,501mongoid_fulltextFull-text search for the Mongoid ORM, using n-grams extracted from text.
4912,46438,694delayed_job_shallow_mongoidWhen the object or arg to a delayed_job is a Mongoid document, store only a small stub ...
5013,20013,597money_helperA simple module to assist in formatting unambiguous prices and price ranges in internat...
5116,16174,510canonical-emailsCombine email validation and transformations to produce canonical email addresses.
5217,10722,994hashie_railsAutomatic strong parameter detection with Hashie and Rails 4.
5317,62914,905strava-ruby-clientStrava API Ruby client.
5418,03322,994ruby-grape-dangerPackages a Dangerfile to be used with Danger for projects within the Ruby Grape community.
5518,95813,892iex-ruby-clientIEX Finance API Ruby client with support for retrieving stock quotes.
5620,50974,510heroku-forwardBeat Heroku's 60s boot timeout with a forward proxy.
5721,38618,044open-weather-ruby-clientOpenWeather API Ruby client.
5821,77630,170sunspot_mongoSunspot support for Mongo Mapper and Mongoid.
5922,04016,482danger-tocA danger.systems plugin for your markdown TOC.
6022,13574,510heroku-commanderControl Heroku from Ruby via its `heroku` shell command.
6122,17047,329dztTile images for deep-zoom.
6222,23874,510email-example-specIntegration testing with e-mail examples.
6323,66814,402omniauth-artsyOmniauth plugin for Artsy authentication.
6425,67947,329estellaMake your Ruby objects searchable with Elasticsearch.
6529,11733,946mongoid-collection-snapshotEasy maintenence of collections of processed data in MongoDB with the Mongoid ODM.
6647,85074,510spidey-mongoImplements a MongoDB back-end for Spidey, a framework for crawling and scraping web sites.
6758,12147,329obcdDeal with obsessive compulsive issues of programmers in Objective-C.
6859,17827,620newrelic-slack-ruby-botNewRelic instrumentation for slack-ruby-bot.
6960,45633,946mongoid-dangerPackages a Dangerfile to be used with Danger for projects within the Mongoid community.
7062,53727,620mongoid-tag-collectibleEasily maintain a collection of Tag instances with aggregate counts from your model's t...
7169,51624,241fueFind an e-mail address of a GitHub user.
7273,71333,946pixmatchPixmatch REST API client library for Ruby
7385,32447,329slack-ruby-dangerPackages a Dangerfile to be used with Danger for projects within the slack-ruby community.
7491,87917,204ruby-link-checkerFast ruby link checker.
7595,17027,620slack-ruby-bot-server-events-app-mentionsAdds commands to slack-ruby-bot-server-events.
76107,50074,510google-finance-ruby-clientGoogle Finance web API ruby client with support for retrieving stock quotes and histori...
77117,18730,170slack-ruby-bot-server-mailchimpMailchimp extension for slack-ruby-bot-server.
78119,25347,329slack-ruby-bot-server-rtmSlack RTM bot extension for slack-ruby-bot-server.
79135,30474,510strava-ruby-cliStrava API CLI.
80139,97674,510enumerable-detect-valueUnlike Enumerable#detect, #detect_value returns the evaluated value.
81144,92747,329with-versionSyntax sugar for version checks.
82156,59947,329module-mixinsHelp with inspecting mixed-in Ruby modules.
83162,66074,510frgomFirst ruby gem of many.
84167,82874,510slack-ruby-bot-server-stripeStripe extension for slack-ruby-bot-server.
85170,93574,510fafFind active GitHub forks.
86173,96174,510ruby-overloadMethod overload behavior for Ruby.