1 | 95 | 125 | hashie | Hashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make hashes more powerful. |
2 | 662 | 491 | grape | A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions. |
3 | 689 | 768 | slack-ruby-client | Slack Web and RealTime API client. |
4 | 750 | 475 | mustermann-grape | Adds Grape style patterns to Mustermman |
5 | 836 | 574 | grape-entity | Extracted from Grape, A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions. |
6 | 1,094 | 580 | grape-swagger | Add auto generated documentation to your Grape API that can be displayed with Swagger. |
7 | 1,229 | 714 | graphlient | A friendlier Ruby client for consuming GraphQL-based APIs. |
8 | 1,362 | 658 | grape-swagger-entity | Grape swagger adapter to support grape-entity object parsing |
9 | 1,460 | 2,510 | ruby-enum | Enum-like behavior for Ruby. |
10 | 1,586 | 3,321 | hashie-forbidden_attributes | Automatic strong parameter detection with Hashie and Forbidden Attributes. Formerly kno... |
11 | 1,910 | 2,211 | mongoid-compatibility | Compatibility helpers for Mongoid. |
12 | 2,110 | 2,233 | numbers_and_words | This gem spells out numbers in several languages using the I18n gem. |
13 | 2,346 | 2,223 | grape-swagger-rails | Swagger UI as Rails Engine for grape-swagger gem. |
14 | 2,423 | 3,122 | syntax | Syntax is Ruby library for performing simple syntax highlighting. |
15 | 2,638 | 3,268 | mongoid-history | This library tracks historical changes for any document, including embedded ones. It ac... |
16 | 2,798 | 2,965 | mongoid-rspec | RSpec matches for Mongoid models, including association and validation matchers. |
17 | 2,855 | 3,178 | mongoid-grid_fs | A pure Mongoid/Moped implementation of the MongoDB GridFS specification |
18 | 2,965 | 2,608 | dotiw | dotiw is a gem for Rails that overrides the
default distance_of_time_in_w... |
19 | 3,298 | 4,506 | rspec-rerun | Re-run failed RSpec tests. |
20 | 3,552 | 3,789 | delayed_job_mongoid | Mongoid backend for delayed_job |
21 | 4,098 | 4,841 | grape-active_model_serializers | Provides a Formatter for the Grape API DSL to emit objects serialized with active_model... |
22 | 4,299 | 4,718 | grape-rabl | Use rabl in grape |
23 | 4,344 | 3,491 | grape-swagger-representable | Grape swagger adapter to support representable object parsing |
24 | 4,441 | 3,430 | gem-licenses | Attempts to figure out what licenses various gems use. |
25 | 4,477 | 3,504 | actionmailer-text | Automatically insert a text/plain part into your HTML multipart e-mails. |
26 | 4,955 | 3,381 | grape-roar | Use Roar with Grape |
27 | 5,109 | 6,408 | mongo_session_store | Rails session stores for Mongoid, or any other ODM. Rails 4 compatible. |
28 | 5,337 | 3,973 | mongoid-geospatial | Mongoid Extension that simplifies MongoDB casting and operations on spatial Ruby objects. |
29 | 5,349 | 5,330 | mongoid-locker | Allows multiple processes to operate on individual documents in MongoDB while ensuring ... |
30 | 6,023 | 7,534 | hyperclient | Hyperclient is a Ruby Hypermedia API client. |
31 | 6,263 | 5,305 | mongoid-slug | Mongoid URL slug or permalink generator |
32 | 6,592 | 7,343 | mongoid_search | Simple full text search implementation. |
33 | 6,657 | 6,953 | slack-ruby-bot | The easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby. |
34 | 6,670 | 7,477 | faraday_hal_middleware | Faraday Middleware for JSON HAL requests and responses. |
35 | 6,759 | 5,701 | danger-changelog | A danger.systems plugin that is OCD about your CHANGELOG. |
36 | 6,793 | 6,573 | mongoid_orderable | Enables Mongoid models to track their position in list |
37 | 6,898 | 7,367 | guard-rack | Automatically reloads your Rack based app on file change using Guard. |
38 | 6,940 | 4,738 | mongoid-scroll | Mongoid extensions to enable infinite scroll. |
39 | 7,123 | 3,916 | slack-ruby-bot-server | A Grape API serving a Slack bot to multiple teams. |
40 | 7,167 | 3,899 | rack-server-pages | Rack middleware and appilcation for serving dynamic pages in very simple way.
... |
41 | 8,042 | 4,706 | slack-ruby-bot-server-events | Slack commands, interactive buttons, and events extension for slack-ruby-bot-server. |
42 | 8,193 | 12,795 | fui | Find unused Objective-C imports. |
43 | 8,413 | 14,782 | tax_cloud | Calculate sales tax using the TaxCloud.net API |
44 | 8,509 | 27,184 | mongoid_slug | Mongoid URL slug or permalink generator |
45 | 9,726 | 16,242 | garner | Garner is a cache layer for Ruby and Rack applications, supporting model and instance b... |
46 | 10,817 | 7,665 | mongoid-shell | Derive shell commands from Mongoid configuration options. |
47 | 12,363 | 9,030 | mongoid_fulltext | Full-text search for the Mongoid ORM, using n-grams extracted from text. |
48 | 12,581 | 36,705 | mongoid-cached-json | Cached-json is a DSL for describing JSON representations of Mongoid models. |
49 | 12,685 | 57,843 | delayed_job_shallow_mongoid | When the object or arg to a delayed_job is a Mongoid document, store only a small stub ... |
50 | 13,333 | 11,011 | money_helper | A simple module to assist in formatting unambiguous prices and price ranges in internat... |
51 | 16,413 | 57,843 | canonical-emails | Combine email validation and transformations to produce canonical email addresses. |
52 | 17,146 | 6,899 | strava-ruby-client | Strava API Ruby client. |
53 | 17,316 | 30,494 | hashie_rails | Automatic strong parameter detection with Hashie and Rails 4. |
54 | 17,981 | 8,261 | ruby-grape-danger | Packages a Dangerfile to be used with Danger for projects within the Ruby Grape community. |
55 | 18,990 | 14,975 | iex-ruby-client | IEX Finance API Ruby client with support for retrieving stock quotes. |
56 | 20,783 | 57,843 | heroku-forward | Beat Heroku's 60s boot timeout with a forward proxy. |
57 | 20,982 | 10,960 | open-weather-ruby-client | OpenWeather API Ruby client. |
58 | 21,597 | 8,065 | danger-toc | A danger.systems plugin for your markdown TOC. |
59 | 22,022 | 30,494 | sunspot_mongo | Sunspot support for Mongo Mapper and Mongoid. |
60 | 22,429 | 57,843 | heroku-commander | Control Heroku from Ruby via its `heroku` shell command. |
61 | 22,448 | 57,843 | dzt | Tile images for deep-zoom. |
62 | 22,546 | 57,843 | email-example-spec | Integration testing with e-mail examples. |
63 | 23,598 | 12,392 | omniauth-artsy | Omniauth plugin for Artsy authentication. |
64 | 25,929 | 57,843 | estella | Make your Ruby objects searchable with Elasticsearch. |
65 | 29,520 | 57,843 | mongoid-collection-snapshot | Easy maintenence of collections of processed data in MongoDB with the Mongoid ODM. |
66 | 48,140 | 57,843 | spidey-mongo | Implements a MongoDB back-end for Spidey, a framework for crawling and scraping web sites. |
67 | 58,776 | 57,843 | obcd | Deal with obsessive compulsive issues of programmers in Objective-C. |
68 | 59,357 | 57,843 | newrelic-slack-ruby-bot | NewRelic instrumentation for slack-ruby-bot. |
69 | 60,750 | 27,184 | mongoid-danger | Packages a Dangerfile to be used with Danger for projects within the Mongoid community. |
70 | 62,962 | 57,843 | mongoid-tag-collectible | Easily maintain a collection of Tag instances with aggregate counts from your model's t... |
71 | 69,252 | 57,843 | fue | Find an e-mail address of a GitHub user. |
72 | 74,226 | 57,843 | pixmatch | Pixmatch REST API client library for Ruby |
73 | 83,836 | 11,419 | ruby-link-checker | Fast ruby link checker. |
74 | 85,512 | 21,760 | slack-ruby-danger | Packages a Dangerfile to be used with Danger for projects within the slack-ruby community. |
75 | 92,913 | 16,242 | slack-ruby-bot-server-events-app-mentions | Adds commands to slack-ruby-bot-server-events. |
76 | 107,622 | 57,843 | google-finance-ruby-client | Google Finance web API ruby client with support for retrieving stock quotes and histori... |
77 | 116,543 | 57,843 | slack-ruby-bot-server-mailchimp | Mailchimp extension for slack-ruby-bot-server. |
78 | 118,658 | 36,705 | slack-ruby-bot-server-rtm | Slack RTM bot extension for slack-ruby-bot-server. |
79 | 134,781 | 57,843 | strava-ruby-cli | Strava API CLI. |
80 | 140,556 | 57,843 | enumerable-detect-value | Unlike Enumerable#detect, #detect_value returns the evaluated value. |
81 | 144,719 | 57,843 | with-version | Syntax sugar for version checks. |
82 | 157,074 | 57,843 | module-mixins | Help with inspecting mixed-in Ruby modules. |
83 | 163,198 | 57,843 | frgom | First ruby gem of many. |
84 | 167,910 | 57,843 | slack-ruby-bot-server-stripe | Stripe extension for slack-ruby-bot-server. |
85 | 171,434 | 57,843 | faf | Find active GitHub forks. |
86 | 174,527 | 57,843 | ruby-overload | Method overload behavior for Ruby. |