1 | 5,702 | 6,786 | queue_classic | queue_classic is a queueing library for Ruby apps. (Rails, Sinatra, Etc...) queue_class... |
2 | 13,084 | 32,595 | rainforest | Rainforest automates your functional and integration testing with our QA-as-a-Service API. |
3 | 15,480 | 26,667 | queue_classic_matchers | RSpec Matchers and helpers for QueueClassicPlus |
4 | 15,856 | 129,735 | queue_classic_plus | Useful extras for Queue Classic |
5 | 23,924 | 26,667 | queue_classic_admin | An admin interface for QueueClassic |
6 | 26,135 | 51,488 | monologue | Monologue is a basic blogging engine. It is a Rails mountable engine so it can be mount... |
7 | 28,121 | 32,595 | queue_classic-later | Do things later with queue_classic |
8 | 31,188 | 32,595 | fourchette | Fourchette is your new best friend for having isolated testing environment. It will hel... |
9 | 67,219 | 51,488 | forwardlytics | This is a client for Forwardlytics (https://github.com/jipiboily/forwardlytics). Takes ... |
10 | 79,104 | 51,488 | qc-mailer | Rails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and QueueClassic. |
11 | 86,707 | 129,735 | monologue-markdown | A small and simple efficient extension to Monologue that replace the default WYSIWYG ed... |
12 | 105,827 | 129,735 | refinerycms-imajax | Replacing default bulk image uploading with an Ajaxy, one by one, upload method to prev... |
13 | 121,282 | 129,735 | skeleti | Skeleti is a little tool to generate a basic skeleton app for Titanium Mobile projects.... |
14 | 137,367 | 51,488 | etat | Etat is a minimalistic gem to help you (me, for now) manage some states in your Rails app. |
15 | 142,398 | 51,488 | commandear | Commandear is a gem that makes it easy for your projects to "listen" for commands in Gi... |
16 | 146,224 | 51,488 | vocal | This is a placeholder for now, coming "soon". This is a blog engine that you can find f... |
17 | 150,923 | 32,595 | hugcessors | Nothing for now but an awesome name. Possibly a more powerful version of Rails' `store_... |
18 | 155,121 | 129,735 | subscriba | Easy subscription management with Stripe |