Timgaleckas's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,19718,157hierarchical_configRobust strategy for defining the configuration accross environments, machines, clusters
248,68961,367auth-transis-clientThis is the client for TransisApps
362,02061,367centro-clientRuby Client for the Centro API
474,52661,367excel_builderconnector and jruby sinatra app to generate excel spreadsheets
583,63029,456omniauth-centroOmniAuth strategy for Centro
697,04133,893oauth2_provider_engineDrop this in your app, and client apps can easily use omniauth with oauth2 to use it as...
7122,82161,367command_recorderlet's you record actions on a stub and play them back on a real object later (or on a d...
8126,42761,367centro-client-internalInternal Ruby Client for the Centro api
9129,04841,086pure_functionEnsure that no matter how many times you call the same block it'll always return the sa...
10160,65461,367amberlettersAmberletters is a console automation framework, similar to the classic utility Expe...