Ryanf's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13971method_sourceretrieve the sourcecode for a method
26995pryPry is a runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful introspection capa...
3205250pry-railsUse Pry as your rails console
46,75818,119keynoteA presenter is an object that encapsulates view logic. Like Rails helpers, presenters h...
515,90780,049whatWhat uses WEBrick to serve a JSON object representing the state of services running on ...
620,58516,623bunchDirectory-structure-based asset bundling.
736,86780,049lisztLiszt is an alternative to acts_as_list and sortable that uses atomic Redis operations ...
839,75734,466jsmincJSMinC is the original C version of JSMin, embedded in Ruby.
956,99280,049raiboA simple IRC library
1072,50280,049levenshtein-19Calculates the Levenshtein distance between two byte strings.
1173,23880,049zealZeal allows you to eager-load associations on ActiveRecord objects that have already be...
12130,853163,113ruby-jadeRuby wrapper for the Jade templating language