Pmenglund's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,49621,760sigarSystem Information Gatherer And Reporter
233,46557,843dotanukiA command executioner which doesn't blindly stumble on when a command fails'
345,28736,705clockwork_database_eventsSimple database event model for clockwork
458,18036,705skalera-servicesHelper gem to handle services in consul.
574,38857,843rstyleStyle checking for Ruby code
691,00057,843dotanuki-rubyA pure ruby command executioner which doesn't blindly stumble on when a command fails'
7100,39636,705rspec-kwalifyrspec matchers for kwalify to help you validate yaml files
8130,21857,843mcfPlaceholder gem for Micro Cloud Foundry cli
9135,91157,843ipmiIPMI gem
10138,38557,843hash-migrationsMigrations to manage hashes
12140,74157,843ipamIP Address Management
13144,15257,843pkiPublic Key Infrastructure
14146,85657,843tops-turnGem to interact with the Turn terminal
15153,01957,843redis-loggerLog device to be used with the standard Ruby logger, which logs to Redis.