Rvanlieshout's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,52111,819twitter-bootstrap-rails-confirmConfirm dialogs using Twitter Bootstrap
233,55335,798post_officeA mock SMTP/POP3 server to aid in the development of applications with mail functionality.
336,18531,517rails_validationsExtra validations for rails: date, domain, email, iban, phone, postal_code, commerce_nu...
460,08735,798rails_env_promptAdds current Rails env and Apartment tenant to prompt
584,57770,493mr_smimeSecure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) support for ActionMailer
6114,38070,493jquery_ajax_statusA simple loading indicator to show you're doing ajax requests
7119,925157,485wheneverize-bundler-auditSchedules daily task using whenever for Gemfile audit using bundler-audit that just rai...
8121,10084,598factory_randomizerRandomizer, a tool for generating random stuff...
9126,197110,973i18n-validatorValidats your I18n completness
10152,42384,598picture_zoomerSimple "zooming lightbox" that doesn't suck.
11165,196110,973capistrano-dirtyChecks for dirty strings in a codebase based on a list of patterns. This may be used to...
12173,297110,973activesupport-binary-propertyActiveSupport::Concern that provides an enum-like functionality that for when multiple ...