Schneems's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
163137sprocketsSprockets is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip...
274145sprockets-railsSprockets Rails integration
381100pumaPuma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Ra...
4108221execjsExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby.
5147446sass-railsSass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
6168602coffee-scriptRuby CoffeeScript is a bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler.
7183658coffee-railsCoffeeScript adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
8416389get_process_memGet memory usage of a process in Ruby
9472409rack-timeoutRack middleware which aborts requests that have been running for longer than a specifie...
10969664heapyGot a heap dump? Great. Use this tool to see what's in it!
11972720derailed_benchmarksGo faster, off the Rails
121,073722mini_histogramIt makes histograms out of Ruby data. How cool is that!? Pretty cool if you ask me.
131,0992,002rails_stdout_loggingSets Rails to log to stdout
141,1071,975rails_serve_static_assetsForce Rails to serve static assets
151,1191,655puma_worker_killerKills pumas, the code kind
161,1492,058rails_12factorRun Rails the 12factor way
171,3621,807dead_endWhen you get an "unexpected end" in your syntax this gem helps you find it
181,7331,701barnesReport GC usage data to StatsD.
191,7421,896heroicsA Ruby client generator for HTTP APIs described with a JSON schema
201,7511,883platform-apiRuby HTTP client for the Heroku API.
212,0742,155wickedWicked is a Rails engine for producing easy wizard controllers
233,1693,772derailedA shortcut for "derailed_benchmarks"
244,3334,129pg_lockA Postgres advisory lock client
254,75011,892sextantSextant is a Rails engine that quickly shows the routes available
264,8544,970omniauth-herokuOmniAuth strategy for Heroku, for apps already using OmniAuth that authenticate against...
278,1997,773postgresqlRequires 'pg', the Postgresql client for Ruby
289,0668,276puma-herokuA Puma plugin that contains the default Heroku config
299,1634,503syntax_suggestWhen you get an "unexpected end" in your syntax this gem helps you find it
309,5958,010keytarUse Keytar to automatically generate keys based on class name instead of cluttering mod...
3110,9459,631maildownBest practice is to send text/plain && text/html markdown works great for both, so why ...
3211,0317,452heroku_hatchetHatchet is a an integration testing library for developing Heroku buildpacks.
3316,17520,516oproEnable OAuth clients (iphone, android, web sites, etc.) to access and use your Rails ap...
3418,67237,265heroku-bouncerID please.
3520,06125,474rrrretryRetries code when an exception is raised an arbitrary number of times
3623,525117,678the_lone_dynoRun code on only a certain number of Heroku dynos, isolated
3724,425117,678hey_youTrigger custom events with postgres
3825,47724,564threadedQueue stuff in memory
3926,662117,678git_testgit_test runs your tests and stores them in git. Use git_test to track tests over multi...
4027,37497,080sprockets_better_errorsRaise now so you don't pay later
4127,44053,263method_cacheableCache methods quickly and easily
4228,06758,846qA universal interface for Ruby queueing backends.
4330,04146,777likeableLikeable allows you to make your models...well...likeable using redis.
4430,39968,530attendanceChanges behavior of Active Record present?
4531,843117,678repl_runnerProgramatically drive REPL like interfaces, irb, bash, etc.
4639,54058,846git_hub_bubgit_hub_bub makes github requests
4740,49818,933cutlassHave you ever had problems opening a `pack` age? Try something sharper, try CUTLASS!
4840,63946,777threaded_in_memory_queueQueue stuff in memory
4948,833117,678syntax_searchWhen you get an "unexpected end" in your syntax this gem helps you find it
5049,26958,846proc_to_lambdaTurn your procs to lambdas in no time
5154,27953,263rouletteSuper easy pre-sharding for your ruby NOSQL store. Presharding is used to naively scale...
5255,50997,080rundocRunDOC turns docs to runable code
5362,72777,965wait_for_itMake your complicated integration tests more deterministic with wait for it
5468,276117,678let_it_goFinds un-frozen string literals in your program
5575,85846,777cdn_sumo_sprockets_rails2The gem allows Rails 2.3 apps to use the same asset pipeline funct...
5676,711117,678rails_on_herokuMake Running Rails 4 on Heroku easier
5777,72768,530explain_shellBash interface to
5881,264117,678resque_defDefining Resque boilerplate since 2013
5983,585117,678puma_auto_tunePuma performance without all the (T)pain
60120,073117,678heap_inspectGot a heap dump? Great. Use this tool to see what's in it!
61127,734117,678modestyModesty is simple and scalable split testing and event tracking framework. It was inspi...
62127,886117,678johnny_cache"I've Been Everywhere" and I'm tired of writing cache wrappers "One Piece at a Time" fo...
63136,15497,080docdowndocdown turns docs to runable code
64159,192117,678living_deadLivingDead traces objects to see if they are retained or freed by MRI
65173,750117,678omgcnbOMG CNB
66174,523117,678super_duper: Write a longer description or delete this line.
67174,715117,678heroku-runtime-api: Write a longer description or delete this line.