1 | 63 | 137 | sprockets | Sprockets is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip... |
2 | 74 | 145 | sprockets-rails | Sprockets Rails integration |
3 | 81 | 100 | puma | Puma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 server
for Ruby/Ra... |
4 | 108 | 221 | execjs | ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby. |
5 | 147 | 446 | sass-rails | Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. |
6 | 168 | 602 | coffee-script | Ruby CoffeeScript is a bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler. |
7 | 183 | 658 | coffee-rails | CoffeeScript adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. |
8 | 416 | 389 | get_process_mem | Get memory usage of a process in Ruby |
9 | 472 | 409 | rack-timeout | Rack middleware which aborts requests that have been running for longer than a specifie... |
10 | 969 | 664 | heapy | Got a heap dump? Great. Use this tool to see what's in it! |
11 | 972 | 720 | derailed_benchmarks | Go faster, off the Rails |
12 | 1,073 | 722 | mini_histogram | It makes histograms out of Ruby data. How cool is that!? Pretty cool if you ask me. |
13 | 1,099 | 2,002 | rails_stdout_logging | Sets Rails to log to stdout |
14 | 1,107 | 1,975 | rails_serve_static_assets | Force Rails to serve static assets |
15 | 1,119 | 1,655 | puma_worker_killer | Kills pumas, the code kind |
16 | 1,149 | 2,058 | rails_12factor | Run Rails the 12factor way |
17 | 1,362 | 1,807 | dead_end | When you get an "unexpected end" in your syntax this gem helps you find it |
18 | 1,733 | 1,701 | barnes | Report GC usage data to StatsD. |
19 | 1,742 | 1,896 | heroics | A Ruby client generator for HTTP APIs described with a JSON schema |
20 | 1,751 | 1,883 | platform-api | Ruby HTTP client for the Heroku API. |
21 | 2,074 | 2,155 | wicked | Wicked is a Rails engine for producing easy wizard controllers |
22 | 2,246 | 2,011 | rate_throttle_client | https://twitter.com/schneems/status/1138899094137651200 |
23 | 3,169 | 3,772 | derailed | A shortcut for "derailed_benchmarks" |
24 | 4,333 | 4,129 | pg_lock | A Postgres advisory lock client |
25 | 4,750 | 11,892 | sextant | Sextant is a Rails engine that quickly shows the routes available |
26 | 4,854 | 4,970 | omniauth-heroku | OmniAuth strategy for Heroku, for apps already using OmniAuth that authenticate against... |
27 | 8,199 | 7,773 | postgresql | Requires 'pg', the Postgresql client for Ruby |
28 | 9,066 | 8,276 | puma-heroku | A Puma plugin that contains the default Heroku config |
29 | 9,163 | 4,503 | syntax_suggest | When you get an "unexpected end" in your syntax this gem helps you find it |
30 | 9,595 | 8,010 | keytar | Use Keytar to automatically generate keys based on class name instead of cluttering mod... |
31 | 10,945 | 9,631 | maildown | Best practice is to send text/plain && text/html markdown works great for both, so why ... |
32 | 11,031 | 7,452 | heroku_hatchet | Hatchet is a an integration testing library for developing Heroku buildpacks. |
33 | 16,175 | 20,516 | opro | Enable OAuth clients (iphone, android, web sites, etc.) to access and use your Rails ap... |
34 | 18,672 | 37,265 | heroku-bouncer | ID please. |
35 | 20,061 | 25,474 | rrrretry | Retries code when an exception is raised an arbitrary number of times |
36 | 23,525 | 117,678 | the_lone_dyno | Run code on only a certain number of Heroku dynos, isolated |
37 | 24,425 | 117,678 | hey_you | Trigger custom events with postgres |
38 | 25,477 | 24,564 | threaded | Queue stuff in memory |
39 | 26,662 | 117,678 | git_test | git_test runs your tests and stores them in git. Use git_test to track tests over multi... |
40 | 27,374 | 97,080 | sprockets_better_errors | Raise now so you don't pay later |
41 | 27,440 | 53,263 | method_cacheable | Cache methods quickly and easily |
42 | 28,067 | 58,846 | q | A universal interface for Ruby queueing backends. |
43 | 30,041 | 46,777 | likeable | Likeable allows you to make your models...well...likeable using redis. |
44 | 30,399 | 68,530 | attendance | Changes behavior of Active Record present? |
45 | 31,843 | 117,678 | repl_runner | Programatically drive REPL like interfaces, irb, bash, etc. |
46 | 39,540 | 58,846 | git_hub_bub | git_hub_bub makes github requests |
47 | 40,498 | 18,933 | cutlass | Have you ever had problems opening a `pack` age? Try something sharper, try CUTLASS! |
48 | 40,639 | 46,777 | threaded_in_memory_queue | Queue stuff in memory |
49 | 48,833 | 117,678 | syntax_search | When you get an "unexpected end" in your syntax this gem helps you find it |
50 | 49,269 | 58,846 | proc_to_lambda | Turn your procs to lambdas in no time |
51 | 54,279 | 53,263 | roulette | Super easy pre-sharding for your ruby NOSQL store. Presharding is used to naively scale... |
52 | 55,509 | 97,080 | rundoc | RunDOC turns docs to runable code |
53 | 62,727 | 77,965 | wait_for_it | Make your complicated integration tests more deterministic with wait for it |
54 | 68,276 | 117,678 | let_it_go | Finds un-frozen string literals in your program |
55 | 75,858 | 46,777 | cdn_sumo_sprockets_rails2 | The gem allows Rails 2.3 apps to use the
same asset pipeline funct... |
56 | 76,711 | 117,678 | rails_on_heroku | Make Running Rails 4 on Heroku easier |
57 | 77,727 | 68,530 | explain_shell | Bash interface to http://explainshell.com/ |
58 | 81,264 | 117,678 | resque_def | Defining Resque boilerplate since 2013 |
59 | 83,585 | 117,678 | puma_auto_tune | Puma performance without all the (T)pain |
60 | 120,073 | 117,678 | heap_inspect | Got a heap dump? Great. Use this tool to see what's in it! |
61 | 127,734 | 117,678 | modesty | Modesty is simple and scalable split testing and event tracking framework. It was inspi... |
62 | 127,886 | 117,678 | johnny_cache | "I've Been Everywhere" and I'm tired of writing cache wrappers "One Piece at a Time" fo... |
63 | 136,154 | 97,080 | docdown | docdown turns docs to runable code |
64 | 159,192 | 117,678 | living_dead | LivingDead traces objects to see if they are retained or freed by MRI |
65 | 173,750 | 117,678 | omgcnb | OMG CNB |
66 | 174,523 | 117,678 | super_duper | : Write a longer description or delete this line. |
67 | 174,715 | 117,678 | heroku-runtime-api | : Write a longer description or delete this line. |