1 | 3,495 | 4,104 | rubocop-junit-formatter | Allows neat integration with Atlassian Bamboo by listing all offences as failed JUnit t... |
2 | 12,114 | 61,367 | alula | Alula creates higly optimised static blogs while taking all the complexity and repeated... |
3 | 13,293 | 11,223 | alula-themes | Offers default theme as well some basic themes for Alula blogs. |
4 | 14,836 | 12,281 | alula-plugins | Offers simple collection of basic plugins that are not necessary needed for every blog. |
5 | 16,696 | 8,458 | rubocop-itsmycargo | RuboCop Styles and Configuration for ItsMyCargo. |
6 | 31,728 | 13,858 | pbxproject | Pure ruby -interface to XCode 4 project files. Read and modify pbxproject
files wit... |
7 | 35,605 | 61,367 | ios-box | Include atuomatic vesion conrol for you XCode projects. |
8 | 36,082 | 25,716 | danger-reviewer | Detect who has been last changed most lines on pull request and request review. |
9 | 39,173 | 61,367 | deployme | Simple tool to deploy current directory to anywhere |
10 | 39,189 | 17,333 | blubber | Blubber allows easily to build collection of docker-images at ease. |
11 | 40,555 | 61,367 | rspec_count_formatter | Designed for CI systems which only outputs row-by-row, this formatter displays current ... |
12 | 49,604 | 25,716 | seagull | Seagull makes managing XCode projects easy as flying is for seagulls |
13 | 49,985 | 61,367 | ssmenv | Easily store local environment configuration to Amazon SSM Parameter Store |
14 | 51,560 | 33,893 | verlane | Simple version number management library, using Rake tasks |
15 | 65,816 | 61,367 | sidekiq_liveness | SidekiqLiveness offers a solution to add liveness probe of a Sidekiq instance. |
16 | 66,708 | 61,367 | activestorage-cascade | Allows to use two services, primary and secondary for ActiveStorage |
17 | 71,177 | 61,367 | roasted | Roasted is a simple bootstrapping library to install
all necessary applications and... |
18 | 85,952 | 61,367 | wisper-active_tracker | Subscribe to changes on ActiveRecord models |
19 | 91,201 | 61,367 | trestle-rails_event_store | RailsEventStore integration plugin for the Trestle admin framework. |
20 | 98,021 | 33,893 | owlet | Use Owlet library to create and alter and gather information about owlets. |
21 | 109,156 | 61,367 | lita-keepalive | Keepalive plugin for Lita and heroku - pings its own route periodically to keep Heroku ... |
22 | 118,087 | 41,086 | foundation-rails-confirm | Confirm dialogs using Zurb Foundation |
23 | 121,831 | 61,367 | simplecov-clover | Integrates SimpleCov results to be shown in Atlassian Bamboo |
24 | 157,194 | 61,367 | simplecov-workspace-lcov | SimpleCov formatter to generate a lcov style coverage reports with full
workspace s... |
25 | 165,677 | 61,367 | sidekiq_liviness | SidekiqLiviness offers a solution to add liveness probe of a Sidekiq instance. |