Marceloeden's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,6202,107dot_hashAccess hash values using the dot notation
216,08359,086busk-ruby-readabilityA rewrite of original ruby-readability
320,71659,086spix_parserA feed parser wrapper for Spix
422,12924,889zunnitGem do access zunnit's API
656,45859,086archiveableArchiveable concern for rails models
765,46559,086hash_delegateAdd accessor methods that delegate to key/values of a hash attribute.
875,40728,543type_casterType casting utils
997,53159,086code_reaperRemove evil tags from your code
1099,19459,086angular-on-railsThe edge version of angular js for Ruby On Rails
11109,55859,086hstore_dataAllow nested hashes for ActiveRecord's Hstore
12111,88659,086slds_on_railsA rails wrapper for SLDS
13143,14859,086HstoreDataAllow nested hashes for ActiveRecord's Hstore
14147,20359,086hstore-dataAllow nested hashes for ActiveRecord's Hstore