1 | 29,913 | 40,267 | persistize | Easy denormalization for your ActiveRecord models |
2 | 64,020 | 147,291 | almodovar-server | BeBanjo API server components |
3 | 92,537 | 84,493 | aspgems-redhillonrails_core | Adds support in ActiveRecord for foreign_keys, complex indexes and other database-relat... |
4 | 104,802 | 60,549 | rack-useragent | Rack Middleware for filtering by user agent |
5 | 110,894 | 147,291 | bacchanalytics | Bacchanalytics is a rack middleware that inserts the Asynchronous Google Analytics
Tr... |
6 | 115,087 | 147,291 | aspgems-foreign_key_migrations | Automatic Foreign Key automatically generates foreign-key constraints when creating tab... |
7 | 130,048 | 107,887 | kewego_party | Ruby wrapper for the Kewego API using HTTP Party |