Tigrish's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
165i18nNew wave Internationalization support for Ruby.
21,7611,636devise-i18nTranslations for the devise gem
33,8913,624kaminari-i18nTranslations for the kaminari gem
44,1492,830bcp47A subset of the BCP47 spec implemented in ruby
54,6703,606isoA subset of the ISO spec implemented in ruby
65,1914,049i18n-specIncludes a number of rspec matchers to make specing your locale files easy peasy.
75,2715,553localeappSynchronizes i18n translation keys and content with localeapp.com so you don't have to ...
86,6858,614will-paginate-i18nTranslations for the will_paginate gem
916,40313,087ruby-cldrRuby library for exporting and using data from CLDR, see http://cldr.unicode.org
1031,15458,846locale_flashlocale_flash lets you create flash messages easily with I18n fallbacks
1163,862117,678locale_schemaThis gem provides a hierarchy for I18n defaults
1265,145117,678legal-docslegal-docs provides a customisable privacy policy and terms of service, backed by I18n ...
1498,02758,846burrowA wrapper to the bunny gem that removes the need for a lot of boilerplate code