Stereobooster's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,2744,443rb-fchangeA Ruby wrapper for Windows Kernel functions for monitoring the specified directory or s...
25,8468,491jshintrbRuby wrapper for JSHint. The main difference from jshint gem it does not depend on Java...
39,87811,752html_pressRuby gem for compressing html
410,51212,135csspool-stFork of CSSPool. CSSPool is a CSS parser. CSSPool provides a SAC interface for parsing...
510,63513,046css_pressRuby gem for compressing CSS
610,72013,150multi_cssA generic swappable back-end for CSS minification.
710,74113,150multi_jsA generic swappable back-end for JS minifiers
820,65635,920rb-notifuNotification system for windows. Trying to be Growl. Ruby wrapper around notifu (http:/...
933,25128,793jekyll-pressMinifier plugin for jekyll. Minifies all html, js, css files. Simple just drop it in so...
1057,71186,038submoduleSmall gem to simplify building process of gems with git submodules. Tended to be used f...
1161,13435,920html_minifierRuby wrapper for kangax js library html-minifier. If you want pure ruby use html_press
1263,40310,623search_syntaxAdvanced search string
1370,37486,038typografUniversal tool for preparing russian text for web publishing. Ruby wrapper for typograf...
1497,26186,038typographGem for typographing russian texts. Ruby port of SamDark's Typograph
15114,60953,556jekyll-oembedProvides an oembed liquid tag for Jekyll
16116,84486,038multi_htmlA generic swappable back-end for HTML minifiers
17118,14986,038art_typografUniversal tool for preparing russian text for web publishing. Ruby wrapper for typograf...
18136,89286,038multi_typografA generic swappable back-end for typographing text.
19139,27253,556libv8-stDistributes the V8 JavaScript engine in binary and source forms in order to support fas...
20159,54486,038therubyracer-stCall javascript code and manipulate javascript objects from ruby. Call ruby code and ma...