Bombazook's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,03163,432bzproxiescollection of reusable proxies and accessors and etc.
232,18663,432bzsnippetsRuby and Rails code snippets
342,29363,432vexileAuto generating ActiveModel validations for hashes
443,94063,432carrierwave-processorSimple dsl cover for carrierwave distinct processing declaration
592,61263,432meanderHashie clone with a bit more sugar
6110,52225,458prototokEasy to use token generation using libsodium and json (using mu...
7141,34263,432jot-rubyruby adapter for JOT OT-library protocol. Js implementation is available under GPLv3 li...
8142,06263,432jot-ruby-jsWrapper for original JOT impl, compatible with jot-ruby gem
9142,21063,432jobberRuby adapter for experimental cloud service
1096,21834,256cppthorSimple C++ configurable incremental build system with simple generator tools
11107,21134,256foautherMaking your Rails app oauth 2 v30 provider
12108,50134,256rubygraphSimple ruby graph
13165,14663,432machinerState-machines, that has external description of states and transitions
14118,92334,256warmPersistent javascript models with REST and async synchronization support
15126,52634,256pagedown_bootstrapPageDown Bootstrap for the Rails asset pipeline