1 | 55,112 | 80,049 | zapr | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
2 | 57,837 | 80,049 | web-facter | Daemon which serves information from the facter gem as JSON over HTTP |
3 | 66,980 | 80,049 | web-puppet | Daemon which serves information from a local puppet master as JSON over HTTP |
4 | 86,834 | 34,466 | capistrano-puppet | "Connects to the web-puppet webservice and allows puppet hosts and classes to be used t... |
5 | 108,188 | 80,049 | prodder-steps | Cucumber steps for security testing |
6 | 109,444 | 80,049 | vagrant-cucumber-host | Run cucumber features as a Vagrant provisioner |
7 | 118,525 | 80,049 | vagrantboxes | Vagrant extension to search and download boxes from vagrantbox.es |
8 | 131,690 | 80,049 | inboxer | Send web pages to your inbox as html or PDF |
9 | 134,598 | 80,049 | vmerize | Run your local Chef recipes against a remote machine. Quickly. |
10 | 135,140 | 80,049 | librarian-puppet-vagrant | A middleware for vagrant to run librarian-puppet before up |