Garethr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
155,11280,049zaprThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
257,83780,049web-facterDaemon which serves information from the facter gem as JSON over HTTP
366,98080,049web-puppetDaemon which serves information from a local puppet master as JSON over HTTP
486,83434,466capistrano-puppet"Connects to the web-puppet webservice and allows puppet hosts and classes to be used t...
5108,18880,049prodder-stepsCucumber steps for security testing
6109,44480,049vagrant-cucumber-hostRun cucumber features as a Vagrant provisioner
7118,52580,049vagrantboxesVagrant extension to search and download boxes from
8131,69080,049inboxerSend web pages to your inbox as html or PDF
9134,59880,049vmerizeRun your local Chef recipes against a remote machine. Quickly.
10135,14080,049librarian-puppet-vagrantA middleware for vagrant to run librarian-puppet before up