1 | 8,886 | 4,362 | rorvswild | Performances and errors insights for rails developers. |
2 | 10,539 | 11,864 | redis_dashboard | Sinatra app to monitor Redis servers |
3 | 27,682 | 16,519 | active_analytics | NO cookies, NO JavaScript, NO third parties and NO bullshit. |
4 | 45,295 | 35,214 | top_tests | Top tests lists the 10 slowest tests after execution |
5 | 58,620 | 66,923 | access_watch_rails | A Rails library to log and analyse Rails HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud ser... |
6 | 65,537 | 43,406 | type_scopes | Automatically create semantic scopes based on columns' types (dates, times, strings and... |
7 | 76,112 | 66,923 | access_watch | A Ruby library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service. |
8 | 81,158 | 17,167 | secure_attribute | Encrypt attributes of any Ruby object or ActiveRecord model. |
9 | 88,365 | 66,923 | parallel_batch | Run safely concurent batches |
10 | 90,378 | 66,923 | access-watch-rails | A Rails library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service. |
11 | 110,521 | 43,406 | active_hashcash | Protect Rails applications against bots and brute force attacks without annoying humans. |
12 | 114,700 | 14,615 | web_tsunami | Write realistic scenarios to test the load of a web application. |
13 | 116,937 | 66,923 | dabcup | You can centralize all you backup policies on a single server, and then store dumps to ... |
14 | 149,640 | 66,923 | access-watch-ruby | A Ruby library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service. |
15 | 181,082 | 24,362 | rorvswild_theme_rdoc | RDoc theme for developers with sensitive eyes. |
16 | 182,062 | 66,923 | super_fast_rails | Create automatically missing index, remove unused, get rid of 1+N queries, ... |