Halogenandtoast's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,7385,789alchemistA scientific conversion library
211,51921,532excelsiorA Ruby gem that uses C bindings to read CSV files superfast. I'm totally serial!
312,54335,920daikondaikon, a radishapp.com client
416,73414,857kitsuneIntegrated Rails Content Management System.
517,04915,327gripGridFS attachments for MongoMapper
617,13842,025monbansimple rails authentication
722,27620,054oathsimple rails authentication
822,63626,609timelordPull dates out of strings
942,08453,556monban-generatorsGenerators to add in different forms of user authentication to a rails application.
1053,07786,038presentableMaking presenters easy and fun!
1155,55222,512oath-generatorsGenerators to add in different forms of user authentication to a rails application.
1262,60286,038scrubScrub files with ease and elbow grease
1364,01653,556is_taggabletagging that doesn't want to be on steroids. it's skinny and happy to stay that way.
1468,16635,920griddleGridFS made simple...
1574,31486,038versionedVersioning for MongoMapper
1675,40486,038dagonThe Dagon programming language: whitespace, enumerators, blocks, One Way
1776,81986,038tenguA truly object oriented testing library
1882,90186,038octocatCommand line github
19103,06486,038pigmentsMixing colors.
20121,27553,556irxmlGem for handling IRXML's API
21123,22886,038migratoryRails migration extender for default values and adding indexes
22125,35986,038taggedSimple ORM agnostic tagging.
23134,31386,038chromatistColor parsing, conversion, and math library
24134,59653,556chronologistTime parser, conversion, and math library
25145,40586,038senateA state machine gem.
26163,77153,556kingfisherA modular web framework with opinions