Robertomiranda's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,5362,212active_model_otpAdds methods to set and authenticate against one time passwords 2FA(Two factor Authenti...
23,7115,546has_secure_tokenHasSecureToken provides you an easily way to geneatre uniques random tokens for any mod...
325,09313,028promenadePromenade makes it simple to instrument Ruby apps for prometheus scraping
427,74615,298delegated_typeThe second type of model inheritance supported from rails 6.1, delegated type, where ea...
536,24461,626jiminyWraps around your CI integration to detect and warn about n+1 queries before they're me...
644,95580,049jackieA Ruby interface to the API.
758,96639,736acts_as_socialacts_as_social is a gem that provides basic social features, like view and controller h...
862,10980,049mini_mongoBasics Object Mapper for Mongo
9102,15480,049nuvadoClient library and command-line tool to deploy and manage apps on