Ryanresella's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,1705,418linkedinRuby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
232,17766,440futures_pipelineRuby wrapper for the Futures, Inc. US Military Pipeline API
335,14549,619silverpopA Ruby wrapper for the SilverPop API
438,563108,739connexionzA Ruby wrapper for the Connexionz bus api
541,03641,117direct_employersRuby Wrapper for the Direct Employers API
642,42824,070hacker_news_searchSimple Ruby wrapper for the Hacker News Search API
758,90566,440speechpadA Ruby library for interacting with the Speechpad API
860,13066,440fcc_rebootWrapper for FCC API
970,95266,440commonsRuby Wrapper for the Civic Commons MarketPlace API - http://marketplace.civiccommons.or...
1090,042108,739world_bankA Ruby wrapper around the World Bank's Development Indicators API
1197,351108,739google-civicA Ruby wrapper for the Google Civic API
12121,790108,739EPA_envirofactsCurrently only supports PCS and RADSInfo databases
13130,148108,739sbaA Ruby wrapper for the SBA APIs.
14131,876108,739seeclickfixA Ruby wrapper for the SeeClickFix API
15132,945108,739sfparkRuby Wrapper for the SF Park API