Dimkiriyenko's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,46323,861abacus_countActiveRecord::Base#count and other calculations as subqueries. Instead of nice Rails gr...
229,674129,735sopranoSoprano is the set of rake tasks and capistrano recipes. Use it to...
332,91951,488releaserA set of thor scripts for managing application versions. Use it to...
464,51751,488scvA set of thor scripts to manage rails application basic tasks. Suc...
571,17251,488dimkiriyenko-kaminariKaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated pag...
671,49932,595dimkiriyenko-ci_reporterCI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber that allows you to generate...
772,028129,735yupiYupi is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. It is used by anadea to get a jump s...
884,89326,667cerberoGet validation error from database constraint.
987,15451,488palmisterModern supportable rails diff
1096,064129,735to_jsAdds to_js to basic ruby types. Use when you need js, not json.
1197,83751,488logging-rails-kiriyenkoA Railtie for for integrating the [Logging](https://github.com/TwP/logging) framework i...
12100,476129,735thor_250mm_cannonA set of thor scripts for administration tasks for rails applications. ...
13111,274129,735visitorJust an implementation of Visitor design patter in Ruby. As far as double dispatch is a...
14116,31632,595basic_objectJust a replacement of 1.9.2 BasicObject for 1.8.7. Use it to imple...
15122,89651,488curry_for_ruby18Just a Proc#curry for ruby 1.8.x. For more info about currying: http://en.wikipedia.org...
16123,35751,488dimkiriyenko-caponeCapone is the set of rake tasks and capistrano recipes. Use it to ...