1 | 8,954 | 18,158 | sns_endpoint | Gem containing sinatra engine to utilize SNS notifications. |
2 | 11,699 | 15,400 | elibri_onix | EDItEUR ONIX format subset implementation used in Elibri publication system |
3 | 12,509 | 18,158 | elibri_onix_dict | EDItEUR ONIX format dictionary helpers used in eLibri publication system |
4 | 14,263 | 63,432 | acts_as_elibri_product | Gem designed to allow easy addition of eLibri based product to your application. Curren... |
5 | 17,424 | 41,916 | elibri_watermarking | Gem designed to help in use of Elibri watermarking API. |
6 | 17,742 | 19,893 | elibri_api_client | API client for elibri.com.pl publishing system |
7 | 20,056 | 19,893 | elibri_onix_generator | XML Generator used by Elibri gems |
8 | 31,146 | 19,893 | elibri_xml_versions | Gem created for comparing eLibri xml objects. More info coming soon. Currently working ... |
9 | 32,552 | 19,893 | elibri_onix_mocks | Usage: Elibri::XmlGenerator.basic_product etc |
10 | 48,174 | 41,916 | elibri_connect | Gem designed to allow easy addition of elibri based product system to your application.... |
11 | 61,470 | 63,432 | guided_randomness | Simple gem for Ruby which extends Array class, and gave possibility to pick element fro... |
12 | 76,394 | 63,432 | interface_comparator | Module that checks if two objects has the same interface including public methods list ... |
13 | 101,436 | 63,432 | tiny_profiler | Tiny profiler for ruby |
14 | 122,719 | 41,916 | bb_openstruct | Reimplementation of OpenStruct that uses binding object as data store |
15 | 132,743 | 63,432 | omniauth_elibri | Omniauth strategy, log into your website using eLibri.com.pl account. OAuth2 based stra... |
16 | 133,036 | 63,432 | serverless_local_sinatra | Simple wrapper around serverless framework |
17 | 138,296 | 41,916 | remote_notifier | Store your errors on other server - and manage them!. |
18 | 151,017 | 63,432 | lines_mixer | Simple gem for mixing lines in strings (created for Rails Girls PoznaĆ). |