Kangguru's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,9354,481rack-trackerDon’t fool around with adding tracking partials to your app and concentrate on the thin...
27,36613,800rack-google-analyticsSimple Rack middleware for implementing google analytics tracking in your Ruby-Rack bas...
38,3357,141cmxlCmxl provides an friendly, extensible and customizable parser for the MT940 bank statem...
411,5758,388epicsEpics is a ruby implementation of the EBIC standard (H004) It supports the complet...
521,54921,532i18n_vizI18nViz will help everyone to figure out where which i18n key is being used by adding a...
626,13653,556adcloudThis is the official adcloud API gem. If you have any problems or requests please conta...
741,03922,512mad_idAdds prefixed identifiers to your models.
854,95021,532iban_calculatorAt the moment the gem is just a wrapper for the ibanrechner.de API.
965,63986,038sepa_clearerThis gem maintains a list of all RPS SEPA clearers available via the Deutsche Bundesbank.
1083,06953,556railslove-clia nice cli for the railslove public api
1186,67235,920litmos-api-clientSimple lib to consume litmos api from litmos platform
1294,52631,663instant_loginInstant Login is a Rails engine that provides an login with e-mail functionality to you...
1399,63986,038giropay_stalkerAllows you to easily test a german bank code number for griopay support
14112,11086,038botvacBotvac allows you to interact with the Neato cloud service which controls your robot wi...
15117,41386,038ebicsebics is a ruby implementation of the EBIC standard (H004) It supports the complet...
16135,41686,038squirrelKeep track of your Code Releases with Squirrel.
17142,37786,038sqlite_cacheUse sqlite3 as a caching adapter
18146,36986,038ebics-loveA ruby implementation of the EBIC standard (H004) It supports the complete initial...