Kmcphillips's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,64914,544acts_as_permalinkManages permalink columns in active record models. Strips special characters and spaces...
223,93213,883affairs_of_stateAdd a simple state to a gem, without all the hassle of a complex state machine.
334,68142,561memorable_passwordThis simple gem generates a random password that is easy to read and remember. It uses ...
468,95533,159resque-queueableAn Active Record model can be defined as 'queueable'. That adds extensions to add any m...
5134,11273,973glosbe-translateWrapper around the JSON api on the Glosbe online multilingual dictionary. Return defini...
6177,52473,973twilio-railsA Rails engine that provides the framework to build complex phone interactions using th...