1 | 21,981 | 61,367 | bdd-legacy | Allows for use of feature driven testing of legacy (especially sql server) applications. |
2 | 60,310 | 61,367 | zipcodeservices | Ruby Client for zipcodeservices.com. Gives ip address and radius queries. Visit zipco... |
3 | 71,419 | 61,367 | whois_slacking | Pivotal/Slack integration that sends a (daily) message of how long each user has worked... |
4 | 74,389 | 61,367 | aislefinder | Allows you to find the aisle for groceries per your local super market. |
5 | 105,573 | 33,893 | minigame | A game theory library |
6 | 111,764 | 61,367 | backbone-jasmine | Generates tests for backbone.js within rails |