Attilagyorffy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,45016,797be_valid_assetProvides be_valid_markup, be_valid_css and be_valid_feed matchers for RSpec controller ...
218,4728,062capybara-emberMakes Poltergeist Ember Run Loop-aware so your clicks are effective.
325,12574,510ezlogA zero-configuration logging solution for projects using Sidekiq, Rails, Sequel, etc.
439,54118,044craniumProvides Extract, Transform and Load functionality for loading data from CSV files to a...
542,57324,241publishing_logicPublishing logic for ActiveRecord models
657,55822,994multi_session_storeThis gem provides a means to support multiple sessions across different tabs in the sam...
758,79674,510whateverA Ruby library that gives no f*ck.
861,68974,510rspec-sitemap-matchersSitemaps for RSpec
993,70674,510unboxed-lessLESS is leaner CSS
10105,27474,510unboxed-capistrano-recipesA list of Capistrano recipes that Unboxed Consulting commonly uses
11127,03274,510active_model-permalinkActiveModel::Permalink generates permalinks for your ActiveModel objects, including sup...
12141,46874,510capybara-ember-inspectorAdds Ember Inspector capable Selenium Driver into your Capybara tests for convenient de...
13155,13874,510rspec-feature_helpersA set of opinionated helpers to enhance testing features using RSpec.
14163,73174,510xhyveA tool to manage xhyve virtual machines
15173,53747,329nomicsA Ruby client for the Nomics Cryptocurrency API