Ihid's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,83711,862proponoPub / Sub Library using Amazon Web Services
210,8107,929meducation_sdkMeducation's SDK
315,79241,086exercism-configRetrieves stored config for Exercism
416,01010,620loquorAn API dispatcher for Meducation
518,31361,367inquisitioA Ruby Gem that wraps search for CloudSearch
620,80141,086larvaMeducation helper services for our pub/sub network
725,76561,367commendoA Jaccard-similarity recommender using Redis sets or MySQL
827,79961,367exercism_configRetrieves stored config for Exercism
928,35216,657mandateThis Ruby Gem adds functionality for the command pattern in Ruby, and for memoization.
1033,20861,367filumLogging framework storing context id in thread local
1145,63861,367belongs_to_enumAdds belongs_to_enum method to ActiveRecord::Base, allowing enums to be created with as...
1254,19361,367growviral-keystoreA wrapper for the GrowViral keystore functionality.
1354,35061,367growviral-warehouseA wrapper for the GrowViral warehouse.
1556,90361,367email_trackerA plugin for Rails apps that tracks email.
1658,48561,367binder_sdkBinder's SDK
1779,74161,367dvlaA scraper to extract data from the DVLA
1885,26661,367capistrano-checksA gem for checking things are working when deploying via capistrano
1993,22661,367has_extra_dataAdds an add_extra_data method to ActiveRecord that invisibly includes an extra data tab...
2095,68361,367super_stiAdds an add_extra_data method to ActiveRecord that invisibly includes an extra data tab...
2199,65833,893national_railA library for accessing National Rail data
22103,10133,893meducation-front-endMeducation Front End Libraries
23121,65161,367exercism-local-tooling-webserverA local webserver for Exercism tooling
24132,87861,367circumspectusA Rails engine that allows users to create surveys and other users to take those surveys
25132,93641,086inspectable_numbersFormats numbers using underscores
26135,00033,893BNFBNF maps out the content of the BNF and BNFC as published by NHS in the UK (https://www...
27135,07861,367rails_auditorAn auditor for Rails apps
28135,97561,367rails_parserAn parser for Rails apps
29137,34561,367red_onionImproved caching for Rails
30143,69341,086pergoA simple wrapper of Propono.
31171,06561,367togetherA simple parallelizer for Ruby
32178,84629,456mandate-railsRails integration for Mandate