Ream88's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,1713,409modernizr-railsThis Modernizr.js was built using the at with all op...
210,07686,038mongoid-paranoiaThere may be times when you don't want documents to actually get deleted from the datab...
312,26342,025mongoid-versioningMongoid supports simple versioning through inclusion of the Mongoid::Versioning module.
421,99986,038simple_postmarkSimplePostmark makes it easy to send mails via Postmark using Rails's ActionMailer.
522,45986,038activerecord-duplicateDuplicating ActiveRecords is easy again.
624,69721,532jqtree-railsThis gem provides jqTree assets for your Rails 3 application.
727,93586,038mongoid-undomongoid-undo provides a super simple and easy to use undo system for Mongoid apps.
843,33586,038mongoid-tagsMongoid::Tags adds a simple tagging system to your Mongoid documents, and allows you to...
944,94453,556mongoid-time_rangeMongoid::TimeRange defines a TimeRange type for your Mongoid apps.
1048,08453,556eco-railsUse your Eco templates from your Rails app.
1159,12731,663hisrc-railsMake owners of the MacBook Pro with Retina Display happy and provide high-res images wi...
1262,62986,038tsqueryAutomate your TeamSpeak3 server with Ruby!
1372,55186,038mongoid-permalinksMongoid::Permalink adds a permalink based on your document to_s method.
1475,85886,038simple_postmark18SimplePostmark makes it easy to send mails via Postmark™ using Rails 3's ActionMailer.
1580,05786,038revealerThe better decent_exposure.
1687,23886,038msgpack-coderUse MessagePack for ActiveRecord serialization.
1799,99586,038simple_tumblrSimpleTumblr provides a simple – ActiveRecord::Relation like – way to interact with the...
18101,94286,038mongoid-encrypted_stringMongoid::EncryptedString defines an encrypted string type for your Mongoid apps.
19116,34053,556httparty-concernAllows HTTParty to work better with ActiveSupport::Concern.
20121,05086,038decent_exposure-draperCombines both worlds of decent_exposure and draper into one.
21133,88886,038simple_menuSuper simple and bulletproof menus for your rails app.