Aderyabin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,1261,202devise_invitableIt adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and acc...
22,3652,062snifferAnalyze HTTP Requests
33,9163,741googlechartsGenerate charts using Google API & Ruby
411,79416,931activerecord-mysql-adapterAn ActiveRecord adapter for MySQL, based on mysql gem.
531,08161,626zendeskRuby wrapper around the Zendesk API
644,93334,466localerAutomatic detecting missing I18n translations tool.
757,35546,897devise_autosigninableIt adds support to be logged in by uniq link.
885,89430,826cbrRuby wrapper for The Central Bank of the Russian Federation API
9113,93961,626ey_toolsExtension for EY for rails developers
10116,67839,736bootstrap-assetsTwitter Bootstrap toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline
11129,21580,049ipgpWrapper around the (IP Address Lookup)
12142,582163,113smart_methodssmart_methods helps to define class and instance methods using pretty DSL
13161,49480,049gettCommand line tool for setup Gett environment
14167,061163,113appoptics_apm_mnfstAutomatic tracing and metrics for Ruby applications. Get started at @App...
15167,72080,049file_loadersFile Loaders Wrapper