1 | 1,124 | 1,294 | devise_invitable | It adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and acc... |
2 | 2,364 | 2,112 | sniffer | Analyze HTTP Requests |
3 | 3,909 | 4,148 | googlecharts | Generate charts using Google API & Ruby |
4 | 11,708 | 24,070 | activerecord-mysql-adapter | An ActiveRecord adapter for MySQL, based on mysql gem. |
5 | 30,970 | 41,117 | zendesk | Ruby wrapper around the Zendesk API |
6 | 44,832 | 41,117 | localer | Automatic detecting missing I18n translations tool. |
7 | 57,185 | 108,739 | devise_autosigninable | It adds support to be logged in by uniq link. |
8 | 86,342 | 35,789 | cbr | Ruby wrapper for The Central Bank of the Russian Federation API |
9 | 113,677 | 49,619 | ey_tools | Extension for EY for rails developers |
10 | 116,500 | 108,739 | bootstrap-assets | Twitter Bootstrap toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline |
11 | 128,972 | 108,739 | ipgp | Wrapper around the ipgp.net (IP Address Lookup) |
12 | 142,366 | 108,739 | smart_methods | smart_methods helps to define class and instance methods using pretty DSL |
13 | 161,305 | 108,739 | gett | Command line tool for setup Gett environment |
14 | 166,899 | 108,739 | appoptics_apm_mnfst | Automatic tracing and metrics for Ruby applications. Get started at appoptics.com. @App... |
15 | 167,521 | 108,739 | file_loaders | File Loaders Wrapper |