Mceachen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5531,499with_advisory_lockAdvisory locking for ActiveRecord
22,6112,111closure_treeEasily and efficiently make your ActiveRecord model support hierarchies
34,7013,913exiftool_vendoredVendored version of exiftool
44,9514,663exiftoolMultiget ExifTool wrapper for ruby
511,5967,775bloomerBloom filters and Scalable Bloom filters (SBF) in pure ruby
615,49715,060monogamyAdd table-level database locking to ActiveRecord
716,5508,230micro_magickSimple and efficient ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick ruby wrapper
818,40925,716shadeUsing CIE L*a*b* and kdtrees, take a color (from LESS, SCSS, or other ...
928,75017,333minitest-great_expectationsAdds several generally-useful matchers and expectations to minitest and minitest/spec
1038,28761,367exiftoolrMultiget ExifTool wrapper for ruby
1148,15141,086findlerFindler is designed for very large filesystem hierarchies, where simple block process...
1262,30841,086druthersSimple, performant settings for your Rails application
13119,23261,367attr_memoizerCorrect attribute memoization for ruby, made easy