1 | 16,458 | 40,825 | spine-rails | This gem provides Spine for your Rails 3 application. |
2 | 29,705 | 40,825 | backbonejs-rails | All it does it give you the files you need, nothing fancy. When installed it will requi... |
3 | 59,397 | 60,975 | tigger | Javascripts and such |
4 | 70,407 | 60,975 | ios3 | This utility is focused primarily on apps that have been archived using RubyMotion. |
5 | 97,947 | 33,190 | flix | A Ruby wrapper for the API |
6 | 104,636 | 60,975 | liam | A RubyMotion gem that provides some cool buttons borrowed from some smart people. |
7 | 124,548 | 60,975 | omniauth-webflow | Omniauth strategy for Webflow |
8 | 132,494 | 60,975 | irate | 5 Star Ratings |